Prescription Ordering during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Both GP practices and community pharmacies are under immense pressure as a consequence of the increased volume of prescriptions being requested.

In order to process repeat prescription requests in the most timely and efficient manner, the way you order your prescription may need to change; the following methods are strongly encouraged:

  • Online Ordering. If you are already registered with the practice to use the online service: SystmOnline, you should order your medication online, or via the SystmOnline App.
  • The NHS App. This app for smartphones can be used to order your medication. If you haven’t registered for the online service you can register for the NHS App from home using photo identification and a photo of your face. You can then use the app to order your medication. 

When you are requesting your items

Inappropriate ordering places a huge strain on practice resources and staff time, as well as having an adverse impact on community pharmacy and could lead to medicines shortages. Therefore:


Please DO NOT:

  • Request repeat medications ahead of normal time,Your request will not be dealt with any earlier, you should order your prescription no more than 7-10 working days before you run out of medication
  • Request extra medication,National guidance from NHS England states that quantities of medication prescribed should be for no longer than is currently prescribed
  • Request New/Infrequently used medication,If you have had medicines in the past but have recovered sufficiently to have not needed them in the last six months then we will not issue without a full clinical review and then only if deemed necessary.

Please DO:

  • Only order what you actually need
  • Ensure that you have a Pharmacy nominated to dispense your prescriptions,electronic prescription to a pharmacy to be dispensed

Over the counter Prescribing

Please read this helpful leaflet about conditions that can easily be treated by your pharmacist without the need to see your GP or pay for a prescription. These conditions include, sore throat, cold sores, diarrhoea, mild acne as well as many other common conditions click here for over the counter prescription information

Thank you as always for your cooperation and thank you also to the local Pharmacies for all their hard work during this time.