Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Patient Group

Rolle Medical Partnership has a very active Patient Participation Group and we have so many plans!!!!

The aim of the group is to work alongside the Practice Manager, Louise Hay and the GPs to feedback on the service provided by the team as well as have input into new services.

Independently the group has three aims – we wish to fundraise to help support the activities of the group – our biggest goal is to establish a patient transport service – as I am sure you are fully aware of the problems with parking at the Health Centre AND we are not on a bus route – so a patient transport service is our opportunity to help the Practice.

The second thing is we would like to have a befriending service, there will be full training given, but essentially if you have some time and would like to be a friend for someone – likely this will be telephone befriending or may develop into a visit later on.

You may have noticed a bookcase in the waiting room – this is a book scheme we have, whereby you can bring your books along and donate them to the group.  If any patient wishes to borrow a book, all we ask is for a donation (50p) per book.  Please help yourselves if you would like one.


We Need More Volunteers

If you would be keen to volunteer, please ask at reception.

The Rolle PPG will meet once more  in September 2022, date TBC - All welcome.

 Membership is, of course, free and open to any Rolle patient.

Let’s support the Practice in these very demanding times.

Do come along!