
Exmouth Health Centre has suitable access and toilet facilities for the disabled.



A Hearing Loop is available within the practice for the hard of hearing.


Accessible Information

The link below gives advice on communicating for people with different needs and requirements.

How do you communicate?



Car Parking at the Surgery

 We listen to your feedback and do acknowledge that parking here at the surgery can be difficult. Unfortunately the free car park here at Rolle is owned the RD&E and so we have no control over this.

There is a high volume of people using the many different services available on site and whilst we do ask our staff to park off site to make as many available parking spaces as possible, we have no influence over the staff working at other locations on the same site such as the hospital, the annex, the Dewdney unit, etc.

We do appreciate how frustrating the parking situation can be; please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause when you are coming to appointments.