Advice for Coil Fitting

Advice to Patients Following the Insertion of an Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUD or COIL) or IUS (Intra-Uterine System)

  1. The IUD (copper coil) acts as a contraceptive immediately and will last for up to 10 years.
  2. The IUS (Mirena, Levosert or Kyleena) will take 7 days for contraception cover and last for 5 years or 10years if fitted after 45 years of age. The Jaydesse is licenced for 3 years.
  3. You may have some discomfort or bleeding after the fitting and your next few periods may be longer, heavier and more uncomfortable with the IUD.
  4. If you have received an IUS coil then you may notice irregular bleeding, regular or irregular periods or no periods at all. This is usually normal but the pattern of bleeding should be discussed with your nurse or doctor.
  5. Sometimes the uterus or womb is so irritable that at some stage after insertion of the device it contracts and ‘pushes the coil out’. You can check whether or not your coil is still in place by feeling for the nylon threads which hang down from the neck of the womb (the cervix) into the vagina. If you feel the stem of the coil (which is hard just like a match stick) then the coil is partly out of place. Avoid intercourse and contact the surgery. The threads are usually soft and can be felt. If you cannot feel them, then please contact the surgery for advice.
  6. It is better not to use tampons before your first check up in case they become tangled in the threads and the coil is pulled out. The small risk of pregnancy and pelvic infection are also higher during the first few weeks after fitting and we suggest that you use condoms for the first 3 weeks.

Follow Up

  1. If you think that you may be pregnant, contact the surgery for advice and to arrange a pregnancy test. Less that 1% of women become pregnant with a coil in place. There may be an increased risk of early miscarriage, but if the pregnancy continues, there is little evidence of damage to the baby
  2. If you develop an unusual vaginal discharge or pain in the lower part of your tummy or you are worried about the possibility that might have an infection then please contact the surgery for advice as soon as possible. All patients are offered infection testing before the coil is inserted but new sexually transmitted infections can be picked up. If you are at all worried that this might be a possibility, then please speak to the nurse or doctor.
  3. The coil may be removed at any time of the cycle but if you do not wish to become pregnant please abstain from sex 7 days before removal. If you wish to change your method of contraception or wish to become pregnant, we suggest that the coil is best removed during or just after your period.
  4. You are advised to have a check-up about 6 wks after the coil is fitted and then if you experience any problems with it or have any concerns.
  5. The coil provides no protection against any sexually transmitted infection. You may therefore wish to consider using a condom at the same time, particularly with a new partner.

Rolle Medical Partnership
Exmouth Health Centre
Claremont Grove

Telephone: 01395 226540

Treetops Surgery
Prince of Wales Drive

Telephone: 01395 226540

Raleigh Surgery
33 Pines Road

Telephone: 01395 226540

Underhill Surgery

Telephone: 01395 265797